Contact & Route

Send us your request or feedback

Get in touch with Casa Limon, boutique B&B

Do you have questions or specific requirements? please do not hesitate to contact us, by phone or via Whatsapp:

+31-6-188 72 604

Route description to Casa Limon

From the airport

Take the airport exit to the MA-21, towards Torremolinos. After only 1 km, take the exit towards Coin/Alhaurin de la Torre (A-404). Drive straight on and through the town of Alhaurin de la Torre via several roundabounds. Then continue via the A-404 for another 8 km towards Alhaurin el Grande. Before Alhaurin and opposite the hotel El Mirador is the residential area La Paca. Our street is Calle Laurel 7.

Bienvenido a Casa Limon!


Calle Laurel 7

29120 Alhaurin el Grande

Malaga, Spain

Phone numbers

Casa Limon, B&B Alhaurin el Grande